We are spending this long week end at the farm, tomorrow is a national holiday here in Argentina, so we'll be staying here until tuesday morning. I'm eating, sleeping, enjoying the nice weather, playing with my kid... Resting time finally! I took some pictures of flowers and plants that grow around the house...
Here is a monstera deliciosa, the typical "blog" plant. Its leaves are so intriguing that they add personality to any interior, I guess that's why bloggers love it so much, including me, obviously!! It's interesting to see how big they get when they grow in their habitat... I've spotted at least three more around here, but this is the biggest one. Last month I reproduced some little monsteras for my apartment, you can see the photo below, at first I was worried they might suffer or die, but the transplant went well and now I have a nice plant at home for free! It's incredible how strong these plants are.
An other nice finding of the weekend is this pile of the old sheets and bed linens that I rescued from a warehouse here at the farm. They are incredibly good quality and they have this antique touch... I put them out under the sun to get some air. Some of them might turn into a nice tablecloth for our apartment, I have many ideas, we'll see!!

Nos vinimos al campo para pasar el fin de semana largo y disfrutar de estos dias tan lindos, de la primavera y de sus colores. Aproveché para sacar algunas fotos de flores y plantas que se encuentran aquí cerca de la casa. La que más me intriga es la monstera deliciosa, la tipica planta "bloguera"!! La forma de sus ojas es tan llamativa que su simple presencia arma un ambiente, no es un caso que sea tan amada por los bloggers, nocierto?! Usualmente la vemos en macetas en interiores, pero es interesante ver como luce en el exterior, se pone majestuosamente grande. Hace algunas semanas hice unas taleas para llevarme un ejemplar a casa, tenía miedo que no la pasaran tan bien pero salieron para adelante y ahora tengo una linda plantita en casa, ja! Otra novedad del finde es la pila de sabanas y cubrecamas de la ultima fotos, son antiguos y los encontré en un depósito acá en el campo. Los puse a tomar aire y sol, capaz que algunos de estos generos se transformaran en un lindo mantel para casa, veremos!