Thursday, 27 November 2014

Cosy & green bedroom | Urban jungle bloggers

Il tema di questo mese proposto dalla community di Urban Jungle Bloggers riguarda il verde in camera da letto, per cui ecco degli scatti dei nostri comodini in versione pollice verde! 

This month's topic of the Urban Jungle Bloggers' community is greenery in the bedroom. I took a few pics of our night tables with some little succulents I'm breeding and my all times favourite Sansevieria. I thought a watercoulour sketch with banana leaves might look fine too! See more stylings here

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

A relaxed Xmas mood

What about this quiet and relaxed Christmas mood created by lotta Agaton for Residence Magazine? It nearly makes me feel the cold air of scandinavian winter although it's  summer time down here!! Just perfect!

Che ve ne pare dell'atmosfera natalizia ricreata da Lotta Agaton in questo styling per Residence Magazine? Il mix di oggetti, materiali e cibo mi fa quasi sentire la brezza del vento scandinavo quando qui siamo oramai in estate. Adoro la semplicità evocata da queste immagini, è senza dubbio così il Natale che vorrei!

Que les parece la atmosfera navideña recreada por Lotta Agaton en este styling para Residence Magazine? Los objetos elegidos, los diferentes materiale y texturas y la comida evocan tan bien el espiritu pre fiestas que casi me parece sentir soplar el viento escandinavo cuando aquí estamos en verano. Adoro la simpleza de estas imagenes, este en sin lugar a duda la atmosfera que quisiera tener en mi casa para la Navidad! 

Un mese a Natale | One month to Christmas

Tra un mese è Natale, quest'anno vorrei decorare in modo più  grafico e meno tradizionale, dentro bianco e nero e fuori fiocchi rossi e palle dorate. In realtà non ho ancora nemmeno iniziato ad abbozzare un'idea un po' più  precisa, tra i mille impegni di fine anno e gli innumerevoli progetti in corso non rimane molto tempo da dedicare agli addobbi. Non mi dispero comunque, di solito i nostri Natali scorrono via all'insegna della semplicità. Per ricordarmi che il conto alla rovescia è partito, mi sono portata dalla campagna alcuni rami di conifera, li ho messi in questo contenitore da biscotti in vetro, nulla di ché, l'ho comprato al supermercato per pochi pesos ma mi piace come riflette il verde degli aghi!

In one month it's Christmas already, I brought home some branches from the farm to remind myself that I have to hurry...

En un mes es Navidad, me traje unas ramas del campo para que me acurden que me tengo que apurar con las decoraciones. Me encantan como quedan en este frasco de vidrio comun y corriente que compré en el Jumbo por muy pocos pesos, hasta parece algo mas que un simple frasco para galletitas!

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Colours and shapes of spring

We are spending this long week end at the farm, tomorrow is a national holiday here in Argentina, so we'll be staying here until tuesday morning. I'm eating, sleeping, enjoying the nice weather, playing with my kid... Resting time finally! I took some pictures of flowers and plants that grow around the house...

Here is a monstera deliciosa, the typical "blog" plant. Its leaves are so intriguing that they add personality to any interior, I guess that's why bloggers love it so much, including me, obviously!! It's  interesting to see how big they get when they grow in their habitat... I've spotted at least three more around here, but this is the biggest one. Last month I reproduced some little monsteras for my apartment, you can see the photo below, at first I was worried they might suffer or die, but the transplant went well and now I have a nice plant at home for free! It's  incredible how strong these plants are.

An other nice finding of the weekend is this pile of the old sheets and bed linens that I rescued from a warehouse here at the farm. They are incredibly good quality and they have this antique touch... I put them out under the sun to get some air. Some of them might turn into a nice tablecloth for our apartment, I have many ideas, we'll  see!!

Nos vinimos al campo para pasar el fin de semana largo y disfrutar de estos dias tan lindos, de la primavera y de sus colores. Aproveché para sacar algunas fotos de flores y plantas que se encuentran aquí  cerca de la casa. La que más me intriga es la monstera deliciosa, la tipica planta "bloguera"!! La forma de sus ojas es tan llamativa que su simple presencia arma un ambiente, no es un caso que sea tan amada por los bloggers, nocierto?! Usualmente la vemos en macetas en interiores, pero es interesante ver como luce en el exterior, se pone majestuosamente grande. Hace algunas semanas hice unas taleas para llevarme un ejemplar a casa, tenía miedo que no la pasaran tan bien pero salieron para adelante y ahora tengo una linda plantita en casa, ja! Otra novedad del finde es la pila de sabanas y cubrecamas de la ultima fotos, son antiguos y los encontré en un depósito acá en el campo. Los puse a tomar aire y sol, capaz que algunos de estos generos se transformaran en un lindo mantel para casa, veremos!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

A graphic Xmas

I'm not a fanatic of Christmas decorations, I must admit, furthermore hot summer weather doesn't really help to get in the mood: green conifers, red ribbons and fake snow don't get along with tshirts and flipflops, it's  a  matter of fact! Anyway I'm determined to do my best to recreate some Christmas atmosphere for our little toddler and I think that these images from Normann Copenhagen will inspire my job!

Navidad se acerca y a pesar de que las decoraciones navideñas  nunca me han realmente atrapado, desde que nació mi hijo me pongo las pilas para crear un poco de atmosfera sin caer en el kitch... Estas imagenes de Normann  Copenhagen describen bien lo que quisiera para mi casa en Navidad: arreglos gráficos, blanco, negro y algo de plata, estilo nordico y nada sobrecargado.

Tiramisù | My family's recipe

Yesterday we invited some friends over to dinner and I made a tiramisù  for dessert. The other day I was so lucky that I found a box of imported genuine mascarpone at the supermarket (I'm sure my argentinean readers will know what I am talking about!), so I couldn't resist and I bought it. I always make it following my father's recipe, I don't  think I've mentioned it before but he is a chef and he runs a restaurant in the north of Italy, more precisely in a lovely alpine valley. His recipe is slightly different from the traditional one since he adds double cream, that makes it softer and creamy,  believe me, that's  the real deal!
Here are the ingredients if you want to try it (for 10 dessert cups)
3 eggs
125 gr. sugar
250 gr. mascarpone
500 gr. double cream
200 gr. lady fingers
300 ml. coffee
cocoa powder
First of all prepare a long coffee (you can add water if you don't want the buscuits to get too bitter), dunk two lady fingers for each dessert cup. Mix the egg yolk with the sugar, when it turns into a mousse add the mascarpone; in an other bowl beat until stiff the albumens, and in a third bowl whip the double cream, then add gently the albumens and the cream to the mix of yolks and mascarpone. Now the tiramisù  is ready, you can cover the lady fingers and sprinkle cocoa powder over it. Enjoy!

El otro dia conseguí un pote de mascarpone italiano importado y hize el tiramisù según la receta de mi padre. Nos lo comimos todo menos una copa, con lo cual hoy pude sacar estas fotos!!
Receta para 10 copas:
3 huevos
125 gr. azucar
250 gr. mascarpone
500 ml crema doble
200 gr. vainillas
cacao amargo en polvo
Preparar el café y mojar las vainillas, luego ponerlas en las copas (2 por copa). Mezclar el azucar junto con las yemas, luego agregar el mascarpone. A parte montar a nieve los albumenes y en otro bowl montar la crema. Luego agregar suavemente los blancos y la crema al compuesto de yemas azucar y mascarpone y ya está, ahora solo falta llenar las copas con el tiramisù  y cubrir con una capa de cacao! 

Monday, 17 November 2014

Grey handknitted blanket

It must be that I've been  very tired lately but I just can't  stop looking at this cosy bed and the beautiful knitted blanket over it. If you like this bedroom you can see the rest of this swedish apartment on Stadshem.

Debo de estar muy cansada, no puedo dejar de mirar esta cama con su lindisima manta gris...Si te gusta este dormitorio y te interesa ver el resto de este departamento sueco fijáte en Stadshem.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Geometry Daily

I just discovered a Tumblr blog called Geometry Daily, and I got literally hypnotized by all these geometric patterns. The man behind this project is Tilman, a german designer who has been creating a geometry a day during eight months. The particularity of his production is that it simulates the silk screen printing on rough paper, with a very different outcome if you compare it with a regular computer generated graphic design work. I think that one of the patterns I show here made into a poster would fit perfectly into my livingroom! If you want to dive into this world of geometrical inspiration visit his blog geometrydaily. You can buy tshirts, canvas and artprints with his graphics on

Acabo de encontrar Geometry Daily, un blog de tumblr en el que Tilman, un diseñador aleman, comparte sus diseños graficos de patrones geometricos. Lo que mas me llamó la atención de estos trabajos es que parecen fotos de estampas sobre papel; aquí  está la particularidad de su proceso creativo: la necesidad de otorgarle un alma al diseño grafico computarizado, que de otra manera resultaria demasiaso perfecto y limpio. Si queres zambullirte en un mundo de inspiración  geometrica visitá su blog

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Latest finding

Last week end we went to the farm and in one of my raids into the old abandoned houses, I found this porcelain made lamp socket. At first I thought I could make a table lamp out of it, then I saw that my little one was so enthusiast about disassembling it that I thought it might be too dangerous for now, he could easily remove the lamp and get a shock... so I thought It could be used as a candle holder, I brought it home, put a candle on it and voilà!

Este finde en el campo encontré  este viejo portalamparas de porcelana. Me encantó la forma y pensé hacer una lampara de mesa, después vi que alguien mas estaba muy interesado en el objeto y me pareció peligroso por ahora así que decidi usarlo como candelabro, me lo traje a casa y le puse una vela y voilà!

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Greenery project | A mango tree from the nut

Mango is probably our favourite fruit, it's so tasty that it often prevents us from eating desserts after dinner. A couple of weeks ago I decided to reproduce it using the nut and it was easier than I thought. I wrapped it in a wet tissue and put it in a tupper in a closed cabinet, checking on it from time to time. After two weeks it had roots and leaves, so I placed it into Alvar Aalto's vase with some water, it turned out to be a great nursery for our little plants! Finally when it seemed to be strong enough I transplanted it into a pot with humus. It's  growing quite fast, now it's  a little tree but only a few weeks ago it was just a nut, the power of nature is always very surprising!

En cuanto a fruta nuestra gran pasion es el mango. Hace algunas semanas empezé a reproducir una plantita a partir de la semilla. La envolví en una servilleta de papel mojada y la puse en un tupper en un lugar oscuro, a las dos semanas ya tenia raices y hojas así que la coloqué en el florero de Alvar Aalto y despues en una maceta con humus. En estas imagenes podes ver la evolucion, ya es bastante grande, y pensar que hace solo unas semanas no era nada mas que un carozo!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Three stylings for one apartment

These pictures  are  about an interesting styling project commissioned by swedish real estate agency Fastighetsbyran to three top stylists - Mikael Beckman, Hans Blomquist and Tina Hellberg - who were asked to decorate the same apartment in three different ways. It's intersting to see how the same apartment could look totally different according to the decoration and the colours of the walls. I really loved Tina Hellberg's job, her styling is a mix of great design pieces and relaxing colours, I also found lots of inspiration in Hans Blomquist's interior, although the palette he used might be a little to dark for my taste. See the rest of the pics and the third styling here.

Hay mucho para inspirarse en este proyecto de decoración de la agencia inmobiliaria sueca Fastighetsbyran, que le encargó a tres famosos stylists decorar el mismo departamento según el estilo de cada uno. Es muy interesante ver como el mismo ambiente puede parecer totalmente diferente según los colores y los muebles elegidos. Miren el resto de las fotos por acá.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Lazy mornings

I wish I could spend a lazy morning in bed at least once a week, wrapped in this linen... quite impossible with our little fellow hanging around, but it's  always nice to dream up! This is our bedroom, it's  simple but I like to keep it like this, with the essential. 

Me encantaria hacer fiaca en la cama por lo menos un dia por semana, programa imposible con nuestro hijito dando vueltas como una turbina, pero es lindo tener fantasias (y mas lindo tener una pequeña  turbina en casa, por supuesto!!!!) Este es nuestro dormitorio, es muy simple pero me encanta que solo tenga lo esencial. Las mesas de luz son de Ikea, las lamparas Artemide, la ropa de cama de Ramos Generales, la cama es un diseño mio.